Sunday, 31 January 2010


Seems to have been a bitty sort of day, Andy was well and truly Federed. He's a very good player, young Andy, but, you have to be better than the best, to beat the best, Andy wasn't. The chasse have been in the locale, toot! toot! bloody TOOT! Dogs howling, madmen howling. They irritate the hell out of Di. I've not been too bothered, but, I'll be glad when they're done for the summer. The wildlife,(faune sauvage) seem to be no less numerous for all the murdering that goes on all winter. They must shoot a few deer, and the sanglier(wild boar) can be very destructive, and very dangerous, so I suppose, like the wild life, they have their place. It's been a tres belle jour, sunshine all day, but, very cold. Snow tomorrow, says the Metteo, and more very cold nights to come. We had corn beef  hash for tea, plus!!!!!! Caike n Castard. The childrens favourite pud. we didn't have many special treats in Oz, but, that was certain to get a smile on the kids' faces. They was deprived guv, deprived they was!! But, happy with it. Correspondence, and, motor parts sorting, this coming week. Need to get the Toyota on the road; and pay he bills, of course!!!!!

Saturday, 30 January 2010

Ramblings of a computer idiot!!!!!!!!!!

Diane has just saved this computers' life. I was determined to hurl it at the wall, then chuck the remains on the fire. I went down to get the fire furnace hot (burn in hell, fiend machine!!). Di asked, quite innocently, if I'd done my blog, after all, it's what I came to do. I'll not repeat the expletives I used to describe my frustrated state of mind. It'll be something simple, and of course it was. ME. I'm very good at looking after cattle, I consider that I'm as good as anyone could be. No-one better anywhere in the world. So There!! But the heading at the top sums up my expertise with computers. I always approach it, as I would a very angry bull. Cautiously! More snow! What's with this winter? It's not done this to us before. This is our fourth winter here, and the most difficult. I can understand arsonists fascination with fire, it's got a life of it's own. Once you've given birth to it, it just needs feeding, and like a child, it has no self-control, it will devour all it's supplies as soon as it can get it's hungry chops on it. Chomp! chomp! chomp! Feed me! Feed me! they all want to become the Billy Bunter of the world of fire. All fires are racing to self destruction as quickly as they can. Sounds like the human race. I need a warm, I'll go and assist the fire.

Thursday, 28 January 2010


I been looking at my last musings re: buffday. Not sure I've given the correct impression of Obi dobi. So, here goes. He's a doberman, black and tan, around 60/70 cm tall at the shoulder, and weighs around 40kg. he is extremely smart, works things out, opens doors, gets the bread from the top of the fridge, that sort of smart. So, of course, at times he decides not to do what he knows as a good dog he should do. He decides to be naughty. That's Dobermans, it's what they do. If that is unacceptable to you. DO NOT get a  Dobe. All the time we've had him, he's decided to be naughty, but mostly he's a well behaved chap, loving, playful, full of fun. He's our boy and he's special, even when he's frustrating as hell. He's part of the family, and, of course, he thinks he's the most important part. His behaviour on my buffday was a shock. I understand  why it happened. I take all three dogs down the field each morning to let them let off steam, which consists of Obi diving on Elfin, biting her neck, until Elf decides she's had enough, then she beats him up. It's a female thing, all married men understand, females are very tolerant,UNTIL!!!! then, look out. He hadn't finished his game when a person arrived at the gate, and, put his arm over the gate to sneck the latch, and Obi hit his arm, with his mouth open, didn't grab hold, didn't try to savage the chap, made a mistake. Not to be repeated we hope. So,Obi is a dobi, he's a very nice friendly chap, and also very good at his job. Guarding.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010


I'm not sure how many I've got left, one never is, blessed be my unknown future, never realised how many Ns there are in unknown. Started off by having a lie in, clock in bedroom needs new battery( I feel for it). Then a man called for the key for next door, Irish peoples holiday home, giving it an early Spring clean. Obi the Dobi bit him, broke skin, drew blood, drip,drip, and he burgered orft. This sort of thing is not good anywhere, but in La Republique Francaise, it can mean having the gendarmes carting off your doggie, and placing said doggie on doggie death row, OUCH! I've not been bit, 'twas the sound of my stoney old heart dropping onto my boots, hurt my foot. He eventually returned my not quite frantic phone call, he'd been to the medic, got a tetyanus shot, and had been patched up, no gendarmes required. Heart jumped back into place. Tom and Rikki called to have a drink to celebrate the joyous event, my buffday, remember! I do so like them, always really happy to see them. And so ends the saga of my buffday at year soixante-huit, 68 in English. I sincerely hope I will write something for year 69.

Monday, 25 January 2010


Been having French lesson visits with actual French type persons, in an actual French type home. We bought a sofa from a couple in a nearby village, and they thought we were so fabulous, they invited us for dinner,(clears throat behind hand). We went and dined with the French type persons, Jean Michel and Denise, and spoke mostly French for about three hours, gived me a headache, probably gived them a headache also, listening to me murdering their language. Interesting and necessary, but, blurdyardwork!! Didjano it costs nearly £1000 to fly to Australia?

Saturday, 16 January 2010

SO! Now I've got a blog. Not sure how I'm going to handle it, but I don't think I've anything to worry about. I can write on it if I want, if I don't want, if I want! Sounds like my kind of thing. I've found with diaries, that they can become self-absorbed, self-obsessed if you like, and not even very interesting to the writer. They do have value, if, it's necessary to look back over a period of time for information. I'll see how this turns out. If anyone calls in to have a peek at me. HELLO! friends, and, SOD OFF!!! foes. XX