Saturday 30 January 2010

Ramblings of a computer idiot!!!!!!!!!!

Diane has just saved this computers' life. I was determined to hurl it at the wall, then chuck the remains on the fire. I went down to get the fire furnace hot (burn in hell, fiend machine!!). Di asked, quite innocently, if I'd done my blog, after all, it's what I came to do. I'll not repeat the expletives I used to describe my frustrated state of mind. It'll be something simple, and of course it was. ME. I'm very good at looking after cattle, I consider that I'm as good as anyone could be. No-one better anywhere in the world. So There!! But the heading at the top sums up my expertise with computers. I always approach it, as I would a very angry bull. Cautiously! More snow! What's with this winter? It's not done this to us before. This is our fourth winter here, and the most difficult. I can understand arsonists fascination with fire, it's got a life of it's own. Once you've given birth to it, it just needs feeding, and like a child, it has no self-control, it will devour all it's supplies as soon as it can get it's hungry chops on it. Chomp! chomp! chomp! Feed me! Feed me! they all want to become the Billy Bunter of the world of fire. All fires are racing to self destruction as quickly as they can. Sounds like the human race. I need a warm, I'll go and assist the fire.


Claire said...

shan't ask what you did wrong...

allison's a bit like that as well...

Jim Wright said...

It really was SIMPLE!! but, I have never claimed to be otherwise. You can tell Allison that I empathise completely. You behave!