Thursday 28 January 2010


I been looking at my last musings re: buffday. Not sure I've given the correct impression of Obi dobi. So, here goes. He's a doberman, black and tan, around 60/70 cm tall at the shoulder, and weighs around 40kg. he is extremely smart, works things out, opens doors, gets the bread from the top of the fridge, that sort of smart. So, of course, at times he decides not to do what he knows as a good dog he should do. He decides to be naughty. That's Dobermans, it's what they do. If that is unacceptable to you. DO NOT get a  Dobe. All the time we've had him, he's decided to be naughty, but mostly he's a well behaved chap, loving, playful, full of fun. He's our boy and he's special, even when he's frustrating as hell. He's part of the family, and, of course, he thinks he's the most important part. His behaviour on my buffday was a shock. I understand  why it happened. I take all three dogs down the field each morning to let them let off steam, which consists of Obi diving on Elfin, biting her neck, until Elf decides she's had enough, then she beats him up. It's a female thing, all married men understand, females are very tolerant,UNTIL!!!! then, look out. He hadn't finished his game when a person arrived at the gate, and, put his arm over the gate to sneck the latch, and Obi hit his arm, with his mouth open, didn't grab hold, didn't try to savage the chap, made a mistake. Not to be repeated we hope. So,Obi is a dobi, he's a very nice friendly chap, and also very good at his job. Guarding.

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