Tuesday 9 February 2010

From the sublime to...........the more sublime!

We've two young horses, one three year old, and, Bonbon, who is a two year old. Very different animals!! Remy, the three year old, was born in the UK, and came with us as a foal, with Anky, his mum. Bonbon was born here, her mum Mel, has been retired to the yard in England. Yesterday was trailer training, we've been leading them up to the trailer, letting them sniff it, and have a look, but yesterday was the day we attempted to get them in it. Time and patience, the essential ingredients. Bonbon had a good think about it, but, said, not sure, so, I walked Corky through it a couple of times, then Di set off to follow us, and, the little love walked along behind, up the tail ramp, through the trailer, and down the front ramp, and, Bonbon walked with her, she's a little love too. Remy was a harder nut to crack. He walked up to the trailer, but couldn't work out how to get his feet on the ramp, we waited, and waited, but he just kept knocking his pasterns on the front edge, just didn't lift his feet high enough. I lifted one foot on then the second, and he stood for ages, not sure what to do, Di encouraged him all the time, and he decided to follow her, but couldn't work out where to put his feet, he looked like he'd had one training session with the Hitler youth in slow march, and hadn't got it right, but, the boy done good, and he followed Di through. That was sublime. Us babies are doing trailers. I take the dogs down the field fore an evening walk some nights, depends how boisterous they are. Last evening we were down the field, and, a beautiful, red deer stag, walked out of our stream. The dogs didn't see him at first so, I called them to me, and we watched him walk up the fence, and then jump into our neighbours field. I thought they might set off after him, but, they watched him hop off, then caried on playing. I'd heard him roaring in the rut, but it's the first one I've seen in France. Just hope the weekend murderers don't get him. That was the other sublime. Two sublimes in one day. We is lucky peoples!!!!!!!

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