Monday 1 February 2010

Nose even less

Yes 'tis possible, to go faire les courses, and come back with only half the required elements. I keep saying," It doesn't matter, but it bloody well does. I know I get on Dis' nerves, but, now I'm getting on MY nerves. The future doesn't look bright, possibly even dismal, as low as bleak, or black. Can there be anything lower, other than; HELLISH!!!!!! Giving meself the shivers here, herein lies madness. I must lift this cloud of gloom, get thee hence despondency. I will not yield to thee. Fly clouds, begone; let the sun shine down upon this feeble fool, perchance to brighten his day. I'm really pleased with Remy and Bonbon. We led them up to the ramp of  the trailer, to let them suss it out, and they were little stars, a bit wary, but no histrionics, I thought Remy was going to go up the ramp, but he couldn't work out where his foots had to go. He will. Corky, who was supposed to be,"Watch auntie Corky children, this is how we do it", had a semi blonde moment, but the children weren't fazed by it at all. They're a bit special. OH YES THEY ARE !!!!!!!!!!


Di said...

And who was it exactly in charge of 'aunty corky'? Only kidding.

trudi said...

I'm loosing it too Jim, even with a list I forget half of what's on it, cheer up it'll be spring any day.