Saturday 27 February 2010

bloody bindweed!

It deserves a swear word, I apologise not. I know it has a very pretty flower, but, it's just a front to hide it's true nature, which is murderous, and, deviously insidious. It cannot stand tall and proud, as other plants, it has to use such plants to spiral upward, and, in doing so, strangles them. While it's busy strangling the garden to death, it's also sending out, fat white runners under the soil, to colonise new areas. Each part of these unhealthy looking extensions is capable of producing a new plant. So I dig it up, leave a tiny portion of root, and, up it comes. It is an abomination before THE LORD JIM, and I curse it a thousandfold!!!

1 comment:

Claire said...

it's the one thing i will use weedkiller on - i use glysophate (round up!) and it works....i HATE bindweed...(although, rather that than japanese knotweed, giant hogweed, and there's another one of similar ilk whose name i forget)