Friday 5 February 2010

Green field, Brown field

In just a few hours, that's what happened. The view from the patio, of a beautiful green field, became the view of a dirty brown one. Fumier the culprit, and though it doesn't look real purty jest now, like most things given time, it'll change. If it doesn't go back to green in a couple of weeks. Houston, we have a problem!! Yet nay I say, Nay! 'Twill be a carpet of emerald in a fortnight, or, if not a fortnight, then, two weeks, max. I said, after enduring five years of drought in Australia. "I'll never complain about too much rain, ever again in my life"So, I either, need to die, or, it bloody well stop raining, for that oath to remain unbroked. I noticed some goosey looseys flying North a couple of days ago. It must be the length of days decides them, as, the weather is hardly Springlike. Horses tootsies attended to, bale of straw arrived, more wood for fire ordered, new exhaust for Toyota expected Lundi, and the notaire has been visited. Bills paid, and minds set at rest, horses look very well( it is midwinter), garden looks fed up. It has our sympathy. All, apart from a minor aberration here and there, is ticketty boo

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